Monday, February 13, 2012

The Avengers movie stars: Jeremy Renner III



The Avengers movie stars: Jeremy Renner II



The Avengers movie stars: Jeremy Renner I



Watermarks on my work

I've had some wonderfully wise advice  - for which I'm very grateful - about my fakes appearing on other sites uncredited.

I really wanted to avoid using watermarks... I much prefer the images to look "clean", but equally I feel it's important that people know the source of the images they encounter elsewhere.

For those of you who've been good enought to make requests and still haven't had a response, please bear with me. I want to do your request justice.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Theft of my work

Hi people,

I just wanted to alert everyone to, which posts other people's work without citing the source, which in my view is theft.

This makes me very angry and question whether I want to continue posting images on my own blog