Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bieber in action

Gonna take a few days off from posting... will be back at the beginning of next month

Sunday, April 22, 2012

500th post: you're all super-heroes

Request response: Milo Ventimiglia and Tom Welling

Hardly seems possible this is the 500th post: hope you've enjoyed the blog so far. 

Thanks for all the hits and especially to the followers.

Best wishes,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Danny Miller: a celebration

To celebrate Mr Miller's time on UK soap, Emmerdale

Above: Danny Miller + 3

 Above: Danny Miller + 2 (Lloyd Everitt, Matthew Wolfenden)

 Danny Miller + 1 (Lloyd Everitt)

Above: The man himself

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No more requests this month, please

Hi everyone,

You've been kind enough to send lots of requests, so I'm going to ask for no more this month, please. I'm afraid any more requests this month will be deleted. I 'd like to get to some of my own choices as well as other peoples'.

So far the following are on my to do list:-


Milo Ventimiglia and Tom Welling
Tom Welling
Joshua Jackson
Seth Gabel
Patrick Dempsey
Ryan Reynolds


Scott Maslen and Jake Wood
Scott Maslen and John Partridge
Rob Norbury and Jamie Lomas
Matt Smith and John Barrowman

Solo manips are always easier than action fakes, so I'll probably get to them first.

Please be patient: I'm flattered you've asked, and I'll get to you request asap.

Kind regards,

OOPS... deleted request


Someone was good enough to put in a request for Ryan Reynolds and Patrick Dempsey, with appropriate head and shirtless links, which I've accidentally deleted.

Apologies: please resubmit...

Just a reminder: head and shirtless links pretty much guarantee a response, lack therof pretty much guarantees  NOT.

Many thanks for all the positive feedback...
