Saturday, July 21, 2012

UK soap star Rik Makarem naked II



UK soap star Rik Makarem naked I



No more requests

Apologies for this, but I'm afraid I'm not going to do any more requests. This is for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, I've tried to respond to as many requests as possible, but increasingly people aren't even bothering to acknowledge my response. Some might complain they have not been able to post a reply, but I closed the comments to anonymous viewers because of the levels of abuse. I'm not looking for undying gratitude, just a simple acknowledgement.

Secondly, some people are being really greedy and asking for 4 or 5 different figures in one request.

Thirdly, some people only acknowledge a request response by making another request.

So the blog is in danger of becoming a massive chore rather than something which is fun and horny. Therefore all requests will be ignored, so please try other fakers if you want your particular favourite faked.