Friday, November 30, 2012

Back to being my bete noir: Taylor Lautner naked

Some time ago I complained that some potential manip subjects prove elusive, and that was the case with Taylor. Recently I thought I'd been able to conquer producing a fake, nude shot, but no after umpteen different attempts with different naked mats and head shots.... this is the best I could come up with...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Downton Abbey's Rob James-Collier III

The Downton Abbey "antique" fakes have proved popular, so I thought I'd do some contemporary ones...


Downton Abbey's Rob James-Collier II

The Downton Abbey "antique" fakes have proved popular, so I thought I'd do some contemporary ones...

Downton Abbey's Rob James-Collier I

The Downton Abbey "antique" fakes have proved popular, so I thought I'd do some contemporary ones...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Greek myths III: a naked Tom Daley as Arion

Miraculously rescued from pirates by a dolphin...